Sing, Frodo, sing!

Yesterday Hiro and I went to the theatre to watch the first presentation in Lodon of Lord of the Rings, the musical. Hiro was a little concerned how they would condensate all the story on the stage in just 3 hours. I was more wary if it would be too ridiculous to see the Gollum and Gandalf singing.
Good news: Gandalf doesn't sing. And the Gollum sings just a few verses. Most of the singing is done by the hobbits and elves. Unfortunately the elves are a pain in the ass, but every play needs some beautiful girls with long dresses and even longer hair screaming in a high pitched voice. Otherwise, it would not be Broadway (or West End).

So, if you never had the patience to read the book or see the films, don't worry. You probably will feel lost in some scenes, but it is not a huge problem since the scenography is amazing. The production mixes technology and really expensive effects with circus techniques and puppeteering (which I really like). I loved the darkriders, the balrog, the spider and the first appearance of Gollum.

Glad you made a full report about it, I did hear about it and I was quite curious to know how they were going to present this. I read only the first book and I am a big fan of the trilogy, so I might consider the 20 pounds offer with Last Minute...the set looks really amazing and I'm sure I won't mind the shorter plot, there is a lot of things that we don't actually need in the story and that make sometimes boring, I'm for minimalism, it's more edible...could you tell me the number of your seats, just to know approximatively where you were, I went to Guys and Dolls and the cheapest seats are really far from the stage, fortunately there was nobody in the whole balcony, so we took some excellent seats in front of the second balcony. xxx
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